Main ingredients:
Capsicum: the chili fruit containing capsicine, an oily rubefascient substance, and the capsicine, respondible for the warming taste. From these simple analysis, one can derive the richness of vitamins and enzymes proper for this fruit. Particularly, its vitamins are important stimulators of the vitality of the tissues and the whole body as well. In skin-care, capsicum is used for its hyperaemic effect, which do create the right conditions for maximum absorption of actives by tissues.
Propolis: Propolis performs a relevant anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, vaso-protective and immunostimulating action. It is also a Vit. B12, B5, and folic acid integrator.
Features: Cosmetic treatment for localised cellulite, with warming effect.
Capsicum: the chili fruit containing capsicine, an oily rubefascient substance, and the capsicine, respondible for the warming taste. From these simple analysis, one can derive the richness of vitamins and enzymes proper for this fruit. Particularly, its vitamins are important stimulators of the vitality of the tissues and the whole body as well. In skin-care, capsicum is used for its hyperaemic effect, which do create the right conditions for maximum absorption of actives by tissues.
Propolis: Propolis performs a relevant anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, vaso-protective and immunostimulating action. It is also a Vit. B12, B5, and folic acid integrator.
Features: Cosmetic treatment for localised cellulite, with warming effect.